Provence Estee Power-Loomed Rug

Provence Estee Power-Loomed Rug

Provence Estee Power-Loomed Rug

Provence Estee Ivory Power-Loomed Rug-2.6x8.0

From $100.00
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Oversized leaves create a crosshatch grid filled with botanicals on the Estee rug. This style is part of our Provence collection, which features a plush texture with carved details for added dimension. Provence rugs are power-loomed of a soft blend of polyester and polypropylene and finished with a small fringe. The layout and scale of our rugs is adjusted to accommodate each available size, and may be different than what is pictured here. Images of each size are available by hovering over the desired size on our desktop site.

  • Imported
About Loloi

We partnered with Loloi, a Dallas-based home décor company and industry leader since 2004, to create our rug and pillow collections. Since their launch, Loloi has developed a global network of dealers and manufacturers who are focused on innovative design and a commitment to their craft.

Care Instructions

Clean spills immediately by blotting with a clean sponge or cloth. For everyday maintenance, use a vacuum cleaner with no beater bar, or set the beater bar to the highest pile setting with the lowest power setting. Professional cleaning is recommended to maximize the rug's longevity, and rug pads are recommended for use on hard floors to prevent slipping and wear.
Rug & Pillow FAQ

Shipping & Returns

For orders containing rugs or pillows, please allow an additional 5-7 days for your order to be processed and shipped.

Visit our help pages for more information on shipping or returns.

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Email [email protected] or call 1-800-498-9774.

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